Thursday, January 15, 2009

Linkin & Lucas

Linkin is a great photographer. He always gets my best side. That kid is wonderful. He is in 1st grade. He reads on a 3rd grade level. His new favorite series, or chapter books are: Junie B. Jones. That is just the right kind of book for him. Right now we are working toward 650 minutes of reading, from now til April. It is a reading program for the kite festival, put on in St. George to encourage reading. There are prises to win, like a kite or an ipod. Linkin really wants the ipod, so he is reading up a storm. We already have about 60 minutes. He is doing excellent.
Linkin will go far in life. He is that type of kid that is always doing his best. He is life of the party, center of attention and just dang cute..
It seems like there is always something crazy I am doing. But what is new. I always help Lucas with photo taking. Lucas is 2 years old. He looks just like his dad. You will be able to see that, cause he has no part of me at all. (Linkin got all my genes.) So that Luke kid, he is pretty cool.
He is so independent. He is so much fun to hang out with. Right now we are potty training. He is doing so well. He wears his big boy underware all day and at night I put a pull-up on him. He still wakes up dry. I think I just get nervous. It is amazing how quick children learn. I am very glad that he is such a fast learner.

One of his favorite things right now is Kung Fu Panda. That is what he is doing in this picture. He is so cute, great personailty. He must of got that little bit from me.

1 comment:

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