Tuesday, March 31, 2009

linkins first soccer game

This was Linkins first game. He was a little timid at first then he got crazy...
I think he likes to be the center of attention. He was talking more than running around, playing soccer. Well whatever he is doing. I love that kid.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

We heard the baby's heart beat..

On Thursday we heard our baby's heartbeat. It is now offical. That always get me. Lucas went with us to our appointment and he seemed really excited to hear it and to be there.. I am now 10 weeks along. I guess the next week to look forward to is, the week we get to see if we are having a girl or boy. That is always exciting.
With Lucas the doctor did gave us a 60% chance it was a girl. Then Lucas showed up. Fun stuff.. I guess we really never know what we are going to get.