Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cookies with Lucas

We had so much fun making sugar cookies. Lucas had his own special dough. He could roll it, eat it really whatever he wanted to do. He decided it would be fun to roll the dough on his tummy. That was hilarious.. He finally finished and we put the cookie in the oven. He couldn't wait for it to be done baking. When the cookie finally cooled. He frosted it. He did a really good job. (Proud mom) He put sprinkles on too. What a blast!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Linkin's 1st day in 2nd grade...

Linkin was so excited for school. He was up by 7:00am, all dressed and ready to go to school. We were informed that he got to ride the bus this year. But he doesn't start riding it until January, when the new Hurricane Elementary is built. He was disappointed but he is still happy that he gets to ride a bus at all.Breakfast of champions. Lucas was just as excited as Linkin. They both had their bags packed and ready to run when I told them it was time.
Walking to the bus stop just to walk back home and get a ride to school.

Here is Linkin ready to get to school.

Lucas and I didn't know what to do now that Linkin was back in school. We played around alot.

We had a great time. We were happy to get Linkin back at 3:30.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Trip to Idaho..

Kolton, Lucas, Linkin and Jacob, just sitting back relaxing after the long trip. Lucas was so excited to see his cousins. He was jumping up and down when they got to Grandma's house.
Lucas was helping his dad drive to Dead Wood. It was about 4 hours away from Meridian. The dirt road took forever.. Nobody fell asleep driving this time, SO HAPPY! We camped in Dead Wood with Aaron's family, thirteen altogether. We stayed for two nights. It was a lot of fun.

The river was so huge. It made the Virgin River look like a tiny stream..

The boys did so well on the ride to, from and back again. I swear we were in the truck the whole time we were in Idaho..

The scenery was so beautiful. The rapids were so big. Next time we go back up we will probably go rafting. I don't know, it looks super scary!! But whatever you only live once, RIGHT??

Birthday Boys!!!

This year we spent Lucas' and Aaron's birthday up in the mountains. Lucas turned 3 on August 1st and Aaron is now 29, on August 2. So much fun.

Lucas got his first bike. He was thrilled.